Nicaragua Day 6

Woke up early despite being out late the night before for New Years. It was the most beautiful day yet! I did my morning routine and then took a quick walk up Marsella – what a beautiful beach! I had not had a proper dinner the night before, so I woke up pretty hungry ?. A quick look at Google Maps had me craving some coffee from Arte’Sanel up in the hills.

<<< alked up to the cafe and had some breakfast. The hotel was gorgeous! I could not believe that such a gorgeous place was just up the hill from where we were staying! After breakfast we decided to keep going down the road to Maderas - the surfer beach. When we got there, we immediately noticed the beach was very rocky and the waves looked more beginner friendly than we had been led to believe. <<< ere ready at this point to just chill on the beach. There were chairs and umbrellas set up so I asked the man working how much. He said $15 - too much for us! Besides, there was a restaurant right behind so we decided we were better off just buying a $4 cocktail and chilling there. <<< he early afternoon rolled around, we made our way back to Marsella - it was packed! Marsella was perfect, though! I spent the next few hours alternating between swimming in the ocean and laying out in the sun! This was when disaster struck, however. While Dennis was out in the ocean, a wave struck him from behind and knocked his glasses off. He was blind for the rest of the day ? We got our last meal of fish and chicken, and then headed back to the Aussie Hut to pack up and catch sunset. Boy, am I glad we stayed for sunset! It was truly breath taking and I'm not sure I've ever seen anything quite like it! After the sun set, we got in a cab for 3 hours to get to Managua for our early flight. We stayed at Airport X Hotel – surprisingly very nice! I had my first hot shower in days! Had to head to bed early – morning flight the next day ?
