Nicaragua Day 3

If I only had one word to describe today it would be Rainy. I woke up to the sound of rain. At that point, I was still optimistic! I have travelled to many places where it is common place to get showers in the morning and then have a beautiful day. The rain did push back the start time on our plans, though ?

Our agenda for the day was to rent scooters and explore the island. We rented two and immediately had no idea how to turn them on. Once we finally had the engines going, we just had to figure out how to ride them. I think a cruddy dirt road is not the best place to learn, but we made do with what we had.

After what felt like an eternity, we hit the paved part of the island and made our way to Altogracia. When we got there, we found not all that much to do, so we decided to turn back and look for lunch. I didn’t mind driving, the scenery was gorgeous.

We made our way all the way to Balgue and had lunch at El Bamboo, it was pricey! But the ambiance was very nice! After lunch, we went to Finca Magdalena – I had heard the did coffee plantation tours. When we got there it seemed that no one knew what I was talking about. We decided to go check out the beach ?

On the way to the beach, it started pouring rain, so we took shelter at a Comedor by Santo Domingo. This bout of rain lasted almost 40 minutes. Eventually we decided we should just get going – didn’t want to be stuck on the dirt road in the dark! We made a quick stop at the beach and then turned back to Merida.

The ride back was easier than the ride out. And much to my dismay it was pretty sunny. We got back to our AirBnb in time for sunset. We sat through another down pour and then headed to dinner in town. I’m excited to spend another day exploring the island – hopefully we will stay a little more dry!
