Nicaragua day 2

Woke up in Granada for the second day. We got a late start like the day before. This morning we started with breakfast at cafe de arte. This time I ordered a cappuccino and got a latte… perfect ?

After breakfast we packed our bags and checked out. We only had a few hours to see Granada before heading to Ometepe. In my opinion it was more than enough. The only real attraction we checked out was the bell tower at the cathedral. The view was magnificent!

We wandered a little more then head back to the hotel to pick up our bags and catch a shuttle. The shuttle ride was about an hour and a half and mostly uneventful. When we arrived at the ferry terminal, we were surprised to find that all the ferries had been sold out until 2 hours later. Thank goodness we were not the only confused foreigners ?‍♀️

After waiting around, the Santa Martha finally arrived. (This was not the end of waiting around though). This was a pretty crappy looking boat. If you had asked me how many people fit on this boat, I would have given you an answer an order of magnitude smaller than the number that crammed on.

An hour into the boat ride, we finally had the most amazing view of Concepción as the sun was setting! Truly magnificent!

We had another hour and a half taxi ride before we got to the Airbnb. It was dark when we arrived so I still haven’t really seen it! We walked a bit and got dinner at a local restaurant that was pretty good. Gonna hit the sack now to be ready to explore Ometepe tomorrow?
