New Zealand Day 3

We woke up early to make it to Marahau by 8:30 for our kayaking trip. We got there about 30 minutes early, so I was able to have a coffee. After that the guy at the kayak place gave us a brief safety lesson. Then we had to wait a bit until the water taxi would take us to our starting point.

While we were waiting, we got into a discussion with the two other groups in our water taxi. They were both traveling a lot longer than us, and the discussion turned to the topic of Chinese tourists. The conversation became quite uncomfortable when the British guy started shouting in fake Chinese. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Finally, the water taxi showed up. It was being pulled by a tractor. We got in the boat, then we were put in the water. The taxi ride lasted about 20 minutes and then we got dropped on this long golden beach. We loaded up our kayak and headed out. We started by heading north, but the winds were strong so we turned around and headed to a little island. We saw one seal on the island. Next we headed further south to another large beach. Here we pulled ashore and went for a swim then took a nap in the sun. It was very relaxing.

We made our way to our campsite at Mosquito Bay. It was a lovely little site with gorgeous views. It is only accessible for not so it was not as crowded as some of the other sites. We picked our campsite and then realize we had forgotten our pot so we had to ask a neighbor camper to use theirs.

After dinner we were exhausted, so we head to the tent and went to sleep.
