Nicaragua Day 4

Woke up to some sunshine ☀️ finally ?. We had decided the day before to pass on the volcano hike because if it was too cloudy, there would be no views. Despite being sunny, the top of Concepción was still shrouded.

The backup plan was to hike to the San Ramón waterfall. Lucky for us, that is on our side of the island so we didn’t need to worry about transportation. We decided we would just use the bikes provided by our Airbnb. One factor we did not consider when choosing to bike was how bad the road is. It was an uncomfortable ride.

We got to the trailhead, paid our entrance fee, stashed our bikes and head off on the 3 km trail to the fall. We met a guy the previous day who said the hike to the waterfall kicked his ass. I didn’t think it was all that difficult. The first two kilometers were exposed road. The last kilometer was through deep jungle and was a longer than average kilometer.

We took some photos and cooled off in the pool under the falls. Then we head down – a much easier task than going up. At this point we were pretty hungry, and the thought of getting back on the bike left me cringing. But we got back on and bikes five minutes to a place called Comedor Gloriana. Maybe it was because we were dehydrated, but the smoothies we got there were some of the most satisfying I’ve ever had ?

We brought our bikes home and got cleaned up for the evening. I wanted to watch sunset from this hotel called La Omaha. We made it up with plenty of time to spare. The grounds of this hotel were beautiful. We caught a gorgeous sunset while sipping pina coladas.

After the sun set, we stuck around for the hotels dinner, which was pretty good. After we finished, we walked back to the Airbnb and got packed up – we are leaving early tomorrow for San Juan Del Sur ?
